With the return of the sun and the expansive energy I am being pulled outward and am reopening to the world. A fresh start. After Yule, I started applying for jobs and got a few offers and start work again this week. I embarked on a deeper spiritual path and am on my way. I also started getting more opportunities to personally, professionally, and spiritually to do the work that makes me stronger and doesn't wear away at me slowly. I already know that this will lead me to my great work of this lifetime (what ever that may be). Not everyone is blessed with this opportunity and I am grateful.
Tomorrow marks the Lunar New Year, what a great week to get things started. It will be anything but quiet around here. So, even if it's just a cross-post to some of my larger projects, I promise to keep you posted because this stuff is really gonna be cool. Already, I've got a lot to do...
Tomorrow marks the Lunar New Year, what a great week to get things started. It will be anything but quiet around here. So, even if it's just a cross-post to some of my larger projects, I promise to keep you posted because this stuff is really gonna be cool. Already, I've got a lot to do...
- several ongoing freelance marketing projects (including one I'm so excited about I want to burst and can't wait to tell everyone when it's time).
- writing a new food blog, just started
- creating a new technology blog, coming soon
- editing a least two more volumes of The Anthology of Occult Wisdom for Datura Press
- writing for the DC Bureau of the Pagan News Collective (capitalwitch.com)
- starting spiritual studies at Reflections Mystery School
- resurrecting Baltimore Pagan Pride Day
- supporting my favorite Pagan projects like the New Alexandrian Library in Delaware and the newly opened Open Hearth Pagan Community Center in DC.
- going to the Sacred Space Conference in February and Between the Worlds in December
...and every single day finding joy in:
- being an obsessive dog mom
- creating more intimate and meaningful connections with people
- spending more time with my humongous, crazy-in-a-good-way Italian family
- getting fit and healthy
- creating a welcoming, loving, magickal home
- finding the love for myself that only I can provide
It's a lot but the wheels are already in motion on most of it and it's already feeding my body, mind, and spirit in ways I never knew possible. I am living in positive abundance and there is more where that came. I wish the same for all of you.